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Guglielmo Achile Cavellini
1914 - 2014
by Aristide 3108
mailart aristide 3108
aristide 3108 encarted
participate: send me a sample of your contributions to the celebration of the master
Encarted - fundamental
The credit card size is central to the concept of my work. The cards are numbered from 1 to 24 and are stored in a database as would be a credit card. I carefully making the touch. I hope you enjoy. It is very useful. As it binds the artists them either by series or by compositition or by occasion. The card can not be replaced by digital, it perpetuates the mailarty in its original form by making use of postal services.
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
aristide encarted mailart
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